Ethos African Snippets

Our clients take great pride in their conservation credentials and community upliftment projects.  It is great to hear from the trade that more and more of your clients are also taking a greater interest. 

The tourism industry in Africa will not survive unless local communities are included and the wildlife experience can only be better if the environment and wildlife are taken care of - so playing our part is definitely a WIN WIN for us all.

Another point of pride for us at Ethos is how our clients really try to listen to trends that we share with them.  Bernie at Garonga has been advised by many that a fly-in package would really add to the appeal of Garonga and so a fly-in package has been put together.  We hope you find this of interest.

Kambaku Trails Camp

Set along the Klasserie River amidst giant Jackleberry trees you will find the Kambaku trails camp, originally built by South African environmentalist Clive Walker in the early 1970's.

This is the same place where Bryce, one of the owners of Kambaku, was trained by Gary Freeman, and exposed not only to his abundant knowledge of the area and all its inhabitants both big and small, but also to the essence of what a true wilderness walking trail is as started so many years ago.

Read more                       Rate Sheet

Machaba Safaris

Machaba Safaris is all about our people. We’re 100% owner-run and employ the best in the industry who genuinely love what they do. We are also engaged in community development initiatives and numerous conservation projects based in Botswana and Zimbabwe.

When building the camps our focus was on classic-style authentic eco-camps to heighten the feeling of adventure.

Read more            Community Projects Video

Neptune Ngorongoro

Neptune Ngorongoro takes great pride that all of the meals that they serve their guests have come from either their own gardens and coffee plantation or from local suppliers.  Due to the location of Neptune Ngorogoro Luxury Lodge, they are able to regularly visit the community market in Karatu for produce, to interact with the fisherman who are fishing Lake Manyara and to source their meat from Arusha.  

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MalaMala - Wildlife and Community

MalaMala is one of the few genuine black economic empowered eco-tourism businesses in South Africa and they are committed to the delivery of long-term, tangible benefits to their local Community. MalaMala operates in partnership with the N’wandlamhari Community – they are shareholders in the business and over half of MalaMala’s employees are community-based.

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Garonga Safari Camp is delighted to make the life of our guests a lot simpler getting to and from Garonga from selected airports across South Africa. 

The terrain at Garonga is completely different to the Timbavati or the Sabie Sands so why not combine Garonga with one of those areas using this fantastic fly-in package?

Fly-in Package


An impressive display of exactly what makes the African leopard such a formidable predator.

An incredible moment captured by Shaun Malan of Machaba Safari Camp.


Giraffe are the tallest herbivores in the world and feed off a variety of plant species. However, when nutrients are lacking in their normal daily diets, and they become nutritionally stressed, they will eat bone to get phosphorous and calcium their bodies require. Bones are manipulated in and out the mouth by the tongue while being sucked and chewed.

Thanks Mpho @ Garonga for sharing this



Most of our clients have live availability to make your life easier when planning an itinerary.

Majeka House  

Cape St Francis

Garonga Safari Co.  

Kambaku on request


MalaMala availability can be found on their website, on the various camp pages –

MalaMala Camp

MalaMala Sable Camp

MalaMala Rattrays Camp


Machaba Safaris


Neptune Ngorongoro Luxury Lodge

Neptune Mara Rianta Luxury Camp