Ethos African Snippets

If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together
An African Proverb

As the current situation drags on we hear of more and more colleagues losing jobs and businesses closing down.  It is hard to stay positive, but as Maya Angelou said  "Every storm runs out of rain."  We just have to hang in there and ride this storm.

Whatever it is that touches your soul – once you’ve been bitten by the “Africa bug” it will call you back time and again.

As we mentioned in our previous 'Snippets', we are very proud to be part of the Ride4Rangers initiative, and even more proud of the amazing effort Kevin is putting into this.  Kevin volunteered to take part (on his static bike at home), and he is doing extremely well - he has done over 450 miles already, and has reached Scotland! He is following the actual route from Lands' End to John O'Groats. Any encouragement would be most welcome. JustGiving

The idea is to get together as an industry both within Africa and globally in a fun way to raise funds & awareness of the impact that Covid-19 has had on conservation in Africa. Tourism is the key funder of conservation in Africa through park fees and conservation and wildlife are what the industry is built on. Since the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic there has been very little money going into the conservation system. All funds raised are being strictly managed by Tusk and will be distributed across 60 different projects and conservation areas across East, Southern, Central and West Africa.

Why not get involved yourself?  

Ride4Rangers Website

With all the work being done by the trade with Ride4Rangers, it is always interesting to hear what is actually happening on the ground.

Those of you who have visited Mashatu, will know what an incredible area it is -tucked away in the north eastern corner of Botswana, bordering both Zimbabwe and South Africa.This is an area that can be combined with the Delta, the Falls or with South Africa and I can guarantee your clients will be wowed.  The scenery is awe inspiring and the wildlife will not disappoint.  

Here is what David Evans has to say about the current situation at Mashatu Letter from Mashatu

All of the Ethos portfolio of clients have been working extremely hard behind the scenes to put protocols into place to keep both their staff and your guests safe. 

Please do get in touch if you missed our previous Snippets and would like more info.

Here is a bit more info from The Blue Train

And for those of us missing the African bush, it was great reading Leigh-Ann's story regarding her drive back to camp early one morning recently and her encounter with some Hyena.

Have a look and listen to those sounds Makakatana sounds

 Here is Leigh-Ann's blog - Hyena in my face

And finally a reminder that Bernie from Garonga will be a doing a webinar on Wednesday 19th August at 11am.

Please do try and join us.

Garonga Webinar