Covid-19 has affected us all in different ways. Our wonderful African Travel industry has been
particularly hard hit and sadly we at Ethos will not come through this pandemic unscathed.
We have always prided ourselves on our amazing team. When thinking of Sue, Claire and Kevin, the
following quote comes to mind:
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." – Isaac Newton
Our team have been the pillars that have successfully taken Ethos forward. Their passion and
dedication to Ethos, to us personally and to our clients has been humbling.
For those of you who have had the privilege of working with Sue over the years, you will know that
her dedication to our clients and to the trade that she looked after was second to none. Sue
fostered unbelievable relationships, which more often than not, would become friendships, both in
the UK and in Africa. Sue is an incredible Saleswoman with an innate ability to recognise a great fit
between our clients and specific operators and how to nurture this for the success of all parties. It
was always about the win win mentality for Sue. Anyone that ever attended a fam trip hosted by Sue
will know that her boundless energy, coupled with her phenomenal attention to detail, always
ensured an incredible and memorable experience.
Claire has been our longest serving employee and has grown and blossomed at Ethos. You just have
to throw an idea at Claire and before you know it, it has become a fully blown campaign with an
incredible angle. Journalists always trusted Claire to turn an opportunity around at very short
notice, knowing exactly what was required. Claire’s knowledge and love of Africa stemmed from her
youth. Claire was born and raised in South Africa, so it is in in her blood. Even now in the UK she is
your go to woman for the best boerewors!
Now few of you will have met the enigmatic Kevin, however everyone knows him through either
email or phone contact. Kevin was the backbone of Ethos who kept us all on track – including our
clients! He manned the office and ensured that we had everything we required to successfully
market our clients. Kevin has a passion for Africa having visited the gorillas in Rwanda, tracked the
migration across the Serengeti and viewed the Big Five numerous times in South Africa. You could
even have counted on Kevin to find you the nightlife in Mombasa, if you found yourself on a trip
hosted by him to Serena in Kenya!
Ethos will continue under the direction of Alison and Amanda. They will work hard to ensure that
both the Ethos clients and the UK Travel Trade continues to get the same level of service and
attention that they have become accustomed to.
Our website and social media accounts stay the same, but for the time being, please direct all
contact through to the following email addresses: / /
We are not saying goodbye to Sue, Claire and Kevin, our friends and colleagues, but rather farewell.
We hope that in time, we will be able to rebuild our team at Ethos and Alison and Amanda know
where they will be looking first ...